Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"a mind is a terrible thing to waste."

-malcolm x quoted by biggy

oh man, i don't know what it is about the beginning of spring, but i have been unable to sit inside and study. i just want to be outside all the time. i was about to borrow paul's id to go to the gym, but he and wade convinced me to go running outside. on my way i home, i saw familiar faces in addition to a lady looking for her little daughter's blue shoes. i walked like a quarter mile back up the road to find them because i had seen them. so cute. running was good, i cannot wait until it gets even warmer.

i feel like i have all the people i need to feel balanced, so life is so good right now. yesterday, nick let me borrow his car and i drove to norwich to a professor's farm. it was amazing, he and his wife are so graceful. today, i didn't do much but hopefully i can get some work done before i pass out at 11. i can't wait until tomorrow for an afternoon off and possibly a frosty run at wendy's. then thursday, i think i'm going to make up an on doc visit with my preceptor that i missed. friday, i am so excited for breakfast for dinner with quynh and then a movie night with some other kids.

to put it in another way, je suis content.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

bienvenidos a miami!

this past week has been perfect.

any week would be perfect when it is sunny and 80 everyday. last saturday, after a delicious potluck with erin, alex and nick and our bellies filled with erin's remake of cosi's signature salad, alex's penne with shrimp and my coconut curry soup, i got ready to leave for the sunshine state. paul picked me, judy and regina up around 4 am. we drove to boston and watched the sunrise for the first time in a while. we boarded our flight to newark where savita hopped aboard. then flew into fort lauderdale where aly and her parents picked us up. i don't even remember what we did, but i'm sure there was food and blue valentine were involved.

monday, we went to camillus house where we distributed food to the people who needed it. at 12:30, sira picked me up and we went to 86th ave where i shadowed in a clinic at a strip mall by a jerkin' chicken restaurant. my preceptor was so cool, he taught me a lot about diabetes patients as well as patients with vaginitis (in the form of uti, trichomonas, chlamydia, etc) since those were the two main types of patients we saw. at 6, aly picked me up and we ate dinner at her house. the other girls went shopping while savita and i took a walk... to the liquor store. then, we went to south beach and hung out with savita's friends who were around at mango's.

tuesday, we went to ahec orientation and then lunch at a asian buffet where i had so much good sushi and veggies with red bean ice cream and a couple bites of tiramisu for dessert. we went to topwa and waited around for the mobile unit on a picnic bench in the parking area for awhile and then went to a neighborhood in little haiti. most of the residents were at work but there were some who come in to get their vitals checked. we tried to recruit people as we played with the cute neighborhood dogs. then we went to the u miami student clinic which was pretty cool except we didn't do much because we were not allowed to touch the patients. we left at 7 and then watched tangled after dinner. i passed out before it ended, but it seemed super cute.

wednesday, we went to a school founded by a miami heat basketball player to teach the kids about health. i was so dumb when i told them that a pharmacist gave out drugs. a little boy asked me if they were the good kind or the bad kind. DOH. but other than that, they were super smart and were very engaged in our little lesson. then we went to lourdes where aly graduated high school. the girls were enthusiastic, which made it so fun. then we went to south beach and tanned while chatting about whatever. we  had dinner at tap tap, a haitian restaurant which was DELICIOUS. it was really fun to just be goofy, too :) especially after, when we were walking around, 2 18-yo looking kids asked what we were doing tonight and wanted us to go to some apt party with them. they tried to lure us with their alleged greygoose that in no way shape or form could have fit into their little rolling cooler. we said goodbye and went to wet willie's. after a few daiquiris, reg and judy posed with the tree in provocative ways. amazing.

thursday, we went to lourdes and then the other girls went shopping while savita and i stayed in aly's backyard in the sun. shawn met us for dinner at carreta's for cuban food. the waiter must have hated me because i couldn't eat anything on the menu. i ended up ordering avocado salad with a side of steamed veggies and sweet plaintains with a glass of sangria. it was wonderful and when we got home, i fell asleep before the intro was done playing for easy a.

friday, we had a panel discussion with pre-med students. they had really awesome questions and were receptive to what we were saying. i enjoyed it a lot. we went back to aly's house where miriam made mango smoothies and i ate my leftovers for lunch. aly and i watched glee as the other girls sat outside by the pool. then we went to bombay darbar for indian food since that was the last ethnic food we had yet to have (asian, haitian, cuban.. haha - not on purpose, but by then, we had to get it). i had the chana masala with garlic naan. so good, especially with the few sips of mango lassi i had of savita's. then we chilled at the house and started to watch harry potter 7, part 1. we all started to pass out around 11 so we ended it early. waking up at 5 am on saturday was difficult, but we slept on the car ride to the airport, on the plane ride to philly, on the plane ride to boston, on the bus ride to hanover... i can't believe how fast the week went. going home to hang out with erin and dan was fun while watching sex and the city with shredded mini wheat smothered with nutella..

today i woke up after 8 hours and got my life in order for the coming semester. nadia picked me up and we had lunch at panera's to bond. it was lovely. and then i got home and watched tv as i chilled before making roasted herb and curry potatoes for the bbq at alex and nick's. i loved the peppers, sweet potato fries, tilapia, chips and salsa, sauteed mushrooms, and guinness. everyone caught up with everyone else which was AWESOME. i had so much fun. quynh drove me home and we got to spend some solid time together tonight, which was overdue.

Monday, March 7, 2011

i got 99 problems but a b----- ain't one!

-jay z

biochem final done! (and it actually only had 54 problems)

i'm going to miss the class though, the course was so straightforward (usually). i appreciated the questions that came from the usmle practice question powerpoint. oh, and i can't forget the breakfast they provide during their finals. sigh. the apple, banana and coffee were wonderful during the test.

then i took a practice quiz in the hae office as a "break" considering i am going to a dinner and yoga class tonight when i don't know endocrine physiology nearly as well as i should. i said hello to dr. catlin on my way in and then to dr. swenson on his way in and then dr. fabricant followed, who reminded me the phrenic nerve lays on top of the anterior scalene muscle.

dr. j. lyons strolls through and asks me if i want eggs. huh? what do you mean? then he hands me 6 eggs from his farm, newly laid by his chickens. hahahah it was the BEST moment of the day.

plus my 6-pack skippy chunky pb came in. glorious.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


[11:22 am] using the ingredients in my house, i made:

but instead of soy milk, i used skim milk + 2 tsp butter (which i got off a recipes substitution site). i chose the vegan recipe since i don't have eggs! i'll let you know how these turn out...

and then hopefully for dinner, i will make something like this coconut curry soup with carrots:

and then after dinner, i'll go to the gym. haha
[now] the cookies were SO good. plus sergey and i went to the tedxdartmouth event at spaulding and had a delicious lunch consisting of a greek plate plus a huge brownie with my third cup of coffee. delicious.

i studied at baker but it was unproductive since i was about to fall asleep. i went to the gym and then went home to make rice pudding with raisins and walnuts topped with some cinnamon.

next recipe: http://www.101cookbooks.com/archives/001570.html
mmm pesto.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

"i could wile away the hours, conferrin' with the flowers. consultin' with the rain, and my head I'd be scratchin'."

-the scarecrow, wizard of oz (but also how i feel about studying for finals)

today i went to class and retained a lot of the big concepts i learned. it probably won't help me for the final - because i don't remember the specific activities of each drug or the mechanisms of how they work. however, i enjoyed the two hours of metabolism, especially when dr. higgs sang about the liver in the tune of "if i only had a brain". during on doc, we practiced the physical exam on each other. ashley and i had a good time keeping it light but doing what we had to do. i can't imagine a better partner with whom to find the pmi ;)

then lunch time was fun at the library. it seemed like EVERYONE was there. i sat with wade, nick, menaka, lily and nicole... i shared my pocketful of chocolate. did you know they had coconut m&ms? so delicious. i am going to pretend it had real coconut and the medium fats i may need in my diet. pretending.

anatomy was lovely - i enjoyed learning about the neck and thyroid with dr. fab. he is a genuinely nice man, and i appreciated his closing remarks. it's so weird that so many things are coming to an end. i will truly miss the organization and thought that the anatomy dept obviously put into teaching us. umpleby's with kirsten and kyle was fun as we ate some of my loaf haha. then i ran off to study some physio before meeting chelsea at the gym! perfect day - i might not have done all that i could to study, but i did what i could to maintain a healthy mentality.