Tuesday, September 29, 2009


It has some good and bad. It connects you to fellow bikers and divides you from cars and pedestrians.

Biking provides me the exercise and fresh air I need to start my day. My 9-5 job. My daily routine. However, I will have to say head wind is a killa.

When I crossed roads the other day... one of the days I biked to work, a motorcyclist let me cross the street in front of him and then on 6th Avenue, a taxi motioned through his window for me to pass as he waited to make a left turn. It was so nice. But then later on, when I was biking home, a bald and lanky pedestrian with hipster glasses who walking with his Asian girlfriend across Houston (I should clarify: J-walking across Houston) called me a bitch. I was ok with that because I did nothing wrong. The New York City state of mind boggles me sometimes. So often we put our lives in the hands of others. When you cross the street, you look. You don't expect cars and bicyclists to completely come to a stop because you are not patient enough to wait those two seconds for vehicles to pass you. It takes so much less effort to stop the motion of your legs than it is to stop wheels in motion with its inertia of movement.

Flashback: Sometime during my senior year at NYU. I was crossing Washington Square South at the intersection of Washington Square East to get to Bobst. I looked over to my right where the flow of traffic was. Though it was not my right of way, I started to cross the street because there were no cars. However, there was a biker who was coming from my left side and hit me. I fell back and scraped my palms. Fellow pedestrians immediately yanked me back to my feet and asked if I were ok. I remember thinking,  when you fall to the ground, you just need a moment to collect yourself. However, their kindness was appreciated regardless. What was not appreciated was the biker who looked me up and down, got back on his bike and peddled away.

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