Monday, January 17, 2011

"...but the truth is that people learn from the people they love."

-David Brooks, The Social Animal

Meera posted a lovely article, and that sentence resonated with me. We choose the path we choose because we are inspired by our mentors. I take for granted that I am the way I am because of the people I deeply respect or have changed me in a positive (or even negative) way.

This weekend was so much fun. Robert's going away party was bittersweet.

Jan and I learned how to ski with Wes before going to NP for football and food. Nick and Alex cooked up some mean looking meals (that I unfortunately can't eat). Ashley wonderfully made me a salmon burger, which was DELICIOUS. It was so nice of her. Then after watching Green Bay's interception and touchdown, Jan and I went out into the snow to go back to my house. This morning, I took her on a tour of Dartmouth before making us lunch before she went back down to New York. Now, I can't help but listen to Glee's versions of Umbrella/Singing in the Rain, Marry You (Bruno Mars), Hey Soul Sister (Train), etc.

Today's sunshine made me so happy.

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