Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"a mind is a terrible thing to waste."

-malcolm x quoted by biggy

oh man, i don't know what it is about the beginning of spring, but i have been unable to sit inside and study. i just want to be outside all the time. i was about to borrow paul's id to go to the gym, but he and wade convinced me to go running outside. on my way i home, i saw familiar faces in addition to a lady looking for her little daughter's blue shoes. i walked like a quarter mile back up the road to find them because i had seen them. so cute. running was good, i cannot wait until it gets even warmer.

i feel like i have all the people i need to feel balanced, so life is so good right now. yesterday, nick let me borrow his car and i drove to norwich to a professor's farm. it was amazing, he and his wife are so graceful. today, i didn't do much but hopefully i can get some work done before i pass out at 11. i can't wait until tomorrow for an afternoon off and possibly a frosty run at wendy's. then thursday, i think i'm going to make up an on doc visit with my preceptor that i missed. friday, i am so excited for breakfast for dinner with quynh and then a movie night with some other kids.

to put it in another way, je suis content.

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