Friday, February 18, 2011

44 degrees in a snow-covered hanover

today i looked outside my window to see the melting snow and ice from the roof drip down from up. it was gray and seemed like it was actually raining. then suddenly, the clouds that concealed the sun moved. the day brightened immediately. it was the same situation - i was still looking at the water splash into a puddle, but suddenly, my outlook improved. at that moment, i thought that i should do that more often.

we all can.

we can look on the bright side of things even when things suck. we cannot expect things to run perfectly all the time. even if we did, we can't control it. however, we can choose how to react. we can choose to be graceful and pick ourselves up with the same confidence as when things seem to be ideal.

who knows, maybe in one of those instances, you'll be exposed to a snagged seam that reveals how perfect or imperfect things really are.

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