Friday, May 13, 2011

i can't say that...

...i am content anywhere. i need sun and the ocean near me. with british accents preferably. sometimes people need to be in the right environment to shine - i can understand that.
...i can always get along with everyone. i wish i could (or at least not wear my emotions so readily on my face). have a bad attitude. you might simply be having a bad day.
...i will always be in a good mood. please excuse me - and i will certainly understand when you need space.
...i could ever cheat because i will never be with someone just to be with them. i wouldn't want anyone else.'re close-minded because you're "too" religious or republican or liberal. i've met people who were but just as many who were not.
...your intentions are good enough. actions speak louder than words. if you want to, why don't you? what's the worst that can happen - especially if the worst is already happening: nothing. at least you would know.
...i expect you to be perfect. because no one is.

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