Friday, August 5, 2011

Sunny and clear, with a high of 80 degrees.

I've been home for a week. There is a feeling of something is missing in some place. (Or maybe someone?) I am not really sure - it is not a notion I can put into words. However, I do know it happens every time I come home from somewhere. When I come home with the memory of perfection from the past few days, weeks, or months, it feels a bit like paradise lost. (With some separation anxiety from the people with whom I had spent every minute, hour, and day.)

I got to play catch up with Savita, Meera, Emily, Shirley, Gary (and Thalia, Ryan's pitbull), Steph, Phi, Rach, Jess, Jena, Sean, Crystal, and Amy. Most of it revolved around meals, movies or long walks around suburbia. Last night was fun, Crystal and her mom, Julie, took me out to a second lunch at Taco Bell haha and I had a bean burrito kids meal. We were occupied with the pieces of a toy airplane that you build according to the picture. Then we visited Jess's mom and grandma before dropping Crystal off at work. Aunt Julie and I went to Uncle Tom's restaurant to pick up some ingredients for a party on Sunday, and we made plans to go clamming in Island State Beach Park on Monday. Then we ran around Shop Rite, Marshall's, Costco and a fresh produce store, Tomato's in Brick. Hearing the hot news that there were black cherries on sale at Stop N' Shop, we drove to Point Pleasant to continue food shopping where I, leafing through Us Weekly and Cosmo, caught up the latest celebrity news (sad, I know). Then we went to get Crystal, ate sushi, and bumped into Aunt Sue and KATIE. She's three now and soooooo cute with the most infectious laugh I have ever heard. I kept tickling her and tossing her up in the air just to hear her giggle. In addition, I am so excited for tomorrow - beach day with Fut. :)

I have been running to get back into the groove of my normal routine. It is funny after reading The Alchemist how it really does feel like the universe seems to help you get to where you want to be (sorry for the fromage). Two nights ago, I was running farther than I have been in 6 weeks and slowed my pace to about a tortoise's when it started to downpour. With iPod in hand, I had to run home before electrocuting myself... or worse, damage my mp3 player (jk). Then last night, it was about 10 pm when I got home and I hadn't run. I ran for about an hour and figured I should probably never do that again considering how random people are reported to be kidnapped and/or killed on running trails. Yet, as I turned on to my street to finish my run, out in the distance, I saw a silhouette of a runner with perfect form and grace. Maktub.

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