Thursday, July 15, 2010

"i kinda thought i already was..."

look at the whole asa group!

i planned on waking up as late as possible. my alarm was set for 9:30. then katie texted to see if i wanted to get breakfast and i just couldn't get up until 8:55. i inhaled a banana with chunky peanut butter and we agreed to meet at the gym so i ran until our staff meeting. al said hi before dropping katie off and natalie also came for the treadmill. holla. then after team 2's meeting about international food and dessert night (my girls are SO excited about coco chanel and crepes btdubs). then i went for part II of my run before going to lunch and then to trader joe's with sarah, mallory, keara, john, katie and mike. i got seven potatoes, seven tomatoes, three 8-oz containers of cream cheese, a baguette, hummus, sweet tea, rosemary, lemon pepper, chicken breast, tj version of oreos, frozen berries, eggs, onion, and chocolate chips... it came out to like 50 bucks so we saved a lot of moola for our last RA night. then i got back to prepare for the global warming talk. kirk was very interesting, but a lot of the stuff i already knew. i was super excited that alex showed up especially when he said he wasn't going to go haha. unfortunately, i gave up the seat i told him i was going to save him to mia and massive. then i went out into the sun with natalie by one of the reflection pools and we had a good heart to heart. she's a keeper that one. and at 4, i helped handle a situation as well as help peel and cut potatoes for the tortilla espanola that ana, ane and maria were going to make. i ran back to our sun spot at 4:30. keara had joined us when i came back and then i eventually went to walgreens to pick up soda and nutella. then at 6, our cooking extravaganza began. the girls started with the spanish omelet and then mia and michelle started on the cheesecake they didn't quite finish. vy made the fries and then i just milled around until i got bored and started baking banana bread. and that's right - topped with nutella. it is sooooo good. hannah and ellen made a chicken encrusted with lemon pepper and pan seared in olive oil. qi made a delicious tomato and egg dish while lu made a great soup. we finished it by 9 and walked over to watch stepbrothers with al's RA group. check in at 11!

now i'm watching the blind side. i like that quote, "i kinda thought i already was." when sandra bullock's character, leann, asks michael to join their family by legal adoption. i am so excited about my day off tomorrow! i can't but help feel lonely even when i'm surrounded by people. sometimes i feel as i grow fonder of people, they only drift farther away.

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