Saturday, July 3, 2010

it's all in your mind

today i woke up and rolled out of bed to figure out medical forms for school. it's inconvenient that my forms are due august 1 when i return from orange county on the 2nd. then i went to breakfast and ate with al. we walked up and i just chilled a bit before heading down to our staff meeting. then i went to keara's to figure out the coffee house playlist. after lunch sometime, katie and i walked to the octagon and kicked around the soccer ball. she was teaching me to pass, juggle and volley. it was pretty awesome, she said i was a good student :) john, natalie, clifton, mary and others joined us and we volleyed a volleyball, dribbled a basketball and kicked around a soccer ball. it was fun (except when i had to roll down the steep hill to retrieve a ball and then scale the slope again).

natalie, clifton, and i went to the rsf with teresa, blanche and louise. i couldn't do the elliptical anymore so i ran for 30 minutes before stretching. we went back and laid out in the sun while watching three berkeley students throw a baseball. i grabbed dinner with jess, katie, natalie, clifton, john, mallory, chris and keara. at 6, we started setting up for the coffee house. natalie and i cut scones, muffins, organized cookie trays and brewed coffee. it was decaf so we wouldn't have hyper kids all night. what was funny was that during the event, we told telmo it was decaf and he said something like, "oh after i drank that coffee i felt so much better." total placebo effect. only john/chris performed a "poem" via my humps and mallory performed stand up. i had fun drinking smoothies, coffee, cookies, muffins, scones, brownies, carrots, strawberries, and grapes. yum. it's crazy how living in close quarters make you feel like you know some of the people with you for longer than actuality. it has only barely been two weeks...

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