Monday, August 16, 2010

"here we go again, i feel the chemicals kicking in"

today was the first day of class.

unreal. we had physiology lecture and CTO lecture after that. then chris and i went back to his place to eat lunch. we got our lab manuals from chilcott and then to price chopper to grocery shop. i don't know how i spent $56 bucks on food, but hopefully it will last me a long time. i also bought a 1.5 L bottle of merlot for $6. pretty worth it. it's a twist off, ergo, pretty classy. then i went to the gym after chris and kenomo helped me carry my groceries in. talk about gentlemen! i walked to the gym whilst talking to meera. at the facility, i ran a while and lifted two 5-pound weights with exercises that ryan taught me. i showered and walked over to edmund, chris and kenomo's place before going to the year 1 and 2 mixer. we talked about victoria secret models. it was pretty entertaining. then i met my big, mariam. she is SO nice. we got along and chatted. then paul and his big clint talked to us for awhile. i had so many veggies and crackers. (i'm cutting out cheese to see if i've been lactose intolerant, dairy hasn't been sitting well...)

then i chatted with brooks, amit, julia, ryan and carrie. we went to the canoe club and hung out til i walked home whilst talking on the phone with savita. i was so angry today, but both meera and savita talked me out of it.

SUMMER 2011. joint global health opportunity with savita!

1 comment:

Meera C. said...

I'm going to find a joint global law opportunity and come with you guys. Just letting you know.