Sunday, April 10, 2011

"if you're aware enough to give yourself a choice, you can choose to look differently"

-david foster wallace

today was a learning day. i browsed in bed. i studied in my seat. even in dogward facing dog, i dug through my notes. all the while, i was snacking and listening to music. at a good breaking point, i headed out to the gym but realized it was the most beautiful day in hanover that i could remember. i ran back to my house after walking half a block, threw my microbiology book down, and went for a run. though, i shouldn't have run so soon after eating because i cramped hardcore. regardless, since my mood is heavily influenced by weather, i was happy.

now it's pouring outside my window, and i have to admit that i love the sound of the pitter patter of rain drops. it also reinforces the notion to do things while you can... because who knows what could happen in just a few hours.
per sergey's recommendation: david foster wallace's commencement speech, kenyon 2005

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