Friday, April 8, 2011

"drinking on a monday night leads you to alcoholism. drinking on a friday night leads you to a good time."

-sergey, as he tried to get me to go out tonight instead of after my monday test

i always laugh when i'm at home. it's awesome.

i skipped neuro today and tried to study as i drank coffee. i went to class at 10 am;  pathology lab is fun when you find everything you are looking for, esp with johann, marco, beth, yike, htet, jess, victor, kevin, menaka and brittany around me... oh that pink proteinacious fluid in edema. as johann would say, "that is hot."

then i went to the library and studied until i got spacey. it happens often these days as the weather gets sunnier and the days longer. jon showed me pictures of his babies, and they made me gush. both of his kids are so adorable with chubby cheeks and big ol' eyes. i went to the alumni council heart rounds and hung out with fellow classmate, joe and dr. ann davis while drinking water and snacking on hors d'oeuvres before going to the gym and running while studying the antibiotics.

so many familiar faces - it was a party there! who knew dana library and the gym would be such happening places.

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