Sunday, January 9, 2011

For Emma, Forever Ago

-Bon Iver, I have been listening to this album nonstop

yesterday was the best day ever.

i went snowboarding for the first time with menaka, chris, jocelyn, edmund, ryan g, kenoma, marianne, nadia, yike and ken. it wasn't that bad in terms of falling so my butt this morning wasn't in too much pain. it's my left hip though that is a little tender to the touch. the j bar! eeps, it was so much fun going down the bunny slopes. i think my favorite part was the fact that when i was not sure how to put my boot in the bindings, kenoma helped me do it. or when i could not go forward. or brake. or turn, edmund would teach me. i asked any question i wanted and always felt supported. next time, i'll take a lesson (and this will probably include the kidnapping of ryan f. - just letting you know). lunch consisted of a black bean burger and nadia's fries from the cafe. in the little loft area, i ran into chelsea who was with clint and suzie! it was fun to hang out with them, too. i made friends with the lift operators who gave me tips, even though they hadn't snowboarded in years and years.

a little 6 year old girl (guestimation) said she was better than me. she could very well be right.

then i came home to hot green tea and watched wesley's ski video before jumping into a hot shower. the movie is so good, the beginning with their bloopers (you'll flinch) is funny and then the end with them landing all their jumps is amazing! around 6ish, wes and i walked down e wheelock to our respective dinners together; i went to jo ling's for ashley's birthday potluck. yum, quynh, jo, ashley, dan, chris, nick, alex, kenoma, ryan, sarah and justin can all cook... a little TOO well if you ask me. YUM.

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