Tuesday, January 4, 2011

today's weather forcast: a high of 30, sunny and snowy

waking up this morning was kind of difficult. the sky was still dark and my bed was so warm. eventually i turned off the buzzing alarm clock and went to the gym to work out. i brought my physiology notes but couldn't read past the fact that the main extracellular buffer is bicarbonate and the main intracellular buffer is hemoglobin. i put it away and turned up eminem. i appreciated these lyrics at the time i listened to them:

"I'm way too up to back down
But I think I'm still tryna figure this crap out
Thought I had it mapped out but I guess I didn't
This f^c%i#g black cloud still follows me around
But it's time to exercise these demons
These motherf^c%e$s are doing jumping jacks now!"

he's so angry and vulgar and inappropriate... but i dig it. i did abs on the giant bouncy ball - with so much more effort than doing crunches on the ground. i showered and went to class to learn about renal physiology. during lunch, i sat with whitney, nick, margaret, and jeff. everyone seemed to have had an eventful break at home :) it's hard to believe how different our ideas of home are. people are moving away and getting married with children on the way. crazy. i had a near panic attack when i clicked through a survey about something. i realized that i will not be able to select that i am between the ages of 18-24 in 20 months.

anyway, after lunch, we got tea and chocolate. i definitely enjoyed the tingle of mint tea during biochemistry. then i went to the library but realized i didn't feel productive so i left since i probably will not be. i need a nap, and then we'll see where the day takes me. back to 8 am classes tomorrow.......

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