Friday, June 25, 2010

gutter balls, strikes, and spares - oh my.

today was fun. we had bagels and cream cheese, yogurt, bananas, chocolate muffins, and so much more for breakfast. we met the berkeley maintenance staff and hung out eating chocolate while telling laffy taffy jokes. we talked about rules and programming and acted out some role play. then we met the asa professors after some orientation stuff and lunch from a sandwich place. my pseudo greek pita was pretty good. we went to dinner at la burritas around 7. i got hungry early though and eat pita with tj's chunky peanut butter and a blueberry poptart-esque pastry so i barely ate 1/4 of my taco salad. then we went to albany bowl on san palo avenue and i bowled a 72... the lowest on my team :( however, i did get a strike and that is the one thing i aim for when i play.

i need to go to the gym tomorrow... too much free food. i just can't resist. i am pretty stoked to get my list of the girls on my floor and to start planning our activities. plus, my grandma is coming up july fourth weekend so hopefully i can hang out with her and the rest of the family (with a big IF i can get a day off).

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