Wednesday, June 9, 2010

i just booked a new flight from california to nyc a week earlier than my previous flight. i can't believe i just spent $173.40 to replace a perfectly good seat... it will be worth it though :)

yesterday, i went to the forbes exhibit on 5th ave and 12th street. it was really lovely. then i went to book club at jordan's for a bbq. so good with our make-shift techniques (like how i chucked foil- and butter-wrapped corn on the cob onto the grill and how jordan substituted little forks for metal tongs)... regardless, the kebabs, chicken, corn, hot dogs and s'mores were scrumptious.
today, i finished the forever war. loved it.

i need to start a new book... suggestions?

later, i need to get a haircut and then off to potluck i go.
tomorrow, after work, i'll be meeting up with steph and mengwei.
friday, after work, i'll be getting momofuku with alexa and hanging out with whoever's around.
saturday, i may or may not stay in the city.. let's see if the kayaking plans with gloria work out.
sunday, i'll be in jersey... wash, rinse, repeat.

next thursday, i believe eymon and i will be biking around the city.
next friday will be governor's island during work for a lab outing!!!

then in two tuesdays, i'll be flying out to norcal. time is slipping through my fingers like sand.

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