Thursday, December 23, 2010

"And I was like

baby baby baby ooh
like baby baby baby noo
like baby baby baby ooh
i thought you'd always be mine."
-justin bieber

nikhil and i met up yesterday after i came back from the gym. we walked to canal street and i made an exception. i had an egg custard tart and pork bun from chinatown, which is the best in the world in my opinion (so much better than the ones in sf, la or boston - no offense). he had to go grade biochem finals so i walked through soho window shopping at uniqlo and urban outfitters. i went to trader joe's to buy anjali a coffee cake for her belated birthday and who should call but MEERA who was ALSO around union square.

meera and i chatted about dartmouth and penn as we walked to 15th and 8th ave where we saw anjali across the street!! we walked to chelsea market to meet emily, looking sophisticated and business casual! after everyone else got their sandwiches, we found ourselves a bench like homeless people, per usual. then a table became available so we moved. near there, i awkwardly asked a stoic man to take our picture; he unhappily did so.

with meera's suitcase that was bigger than her whole body, we hopped in a cab to stout where evan met up with us. i had hard cider, which had that sweet and bubbly i was looking for. then at 3:50 pm, i RAN to port authority to go home. i usually sleep during the whole ride, but i woke up in time to watch the orange sky turn dark. so pretty. SAFE TRAVELS MEERA, i miss you already.

today i woke up and went to the mall with my mom. i bought some stuff and then went to shop rite with jena while blasting j biebs (against my will - mostly) during the car ride. we got some eggs and pecans to make pecan pie bars. they turned out gooey and sweet and buttery in all the right ways. we watched peter pan, the non-animated version from 2004, and i think it changed my life. so cute i can't even put it in words. then we watched britney spears videos that were playing for the whole day haha while looking through our middle school yearbook. now i'm happily reading the world according to garp (i stopped quoting the book because it got a little intense. i highly recommend it though, it's a page turner).

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