Saturday, December 18, 2010

fireside chats in norwich

time lapse of la:

dinner at molly's was amazing. for edmund's birthday, chris, ashley, dan, nick, robert, kenoma, ken, yike, alex, jocelyn, jonathon, erin and i ate and were merry. you also can't go wrong with $2 margaritas. i had a spicy black bean burger with fries per usual. so good. then chris, ashley and i hopped into his car to go to nicole's house in norwich. we chilled out with the people there, including nicole, julia, devang, mike, carrie, kirsten, whitney, nick, ryan, ben, liz, tessa, and lauren, and talked about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. at one point whitney, nick and i conversed about how to ski (pizza pies and french fries) and to brew beer (as well as other top secret ideas, pending pre-patents) in front of the fireplace, which was amazing. i will start said beginner skiing and beer brewing next month when we all come back. it's only going to be two weeks, but i think i have minor separation anxiety already...

tessa's peanut butter cookies with the kisses were amazing. you also can't go wrong with chips and salsa over fireside chatter. i tried the lemon flavor of four lokos, it was pretty gross. a little after midnight, we said our good-byes and nick picked me up in a hug! that makes me happy and reminds me that although i am not the skinniest one in my family, i'm not quite chubby yet. i hope.

now i'm heading to bed before going on the road with amit to manhattan. happy holidays.

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