Friday, December 17, 2010

energy, anergy, apathy.

quiz one done. thank goodness... i didn't feel prepared but i'm glad it is over!

this morning i woke up at 6:30 to look over some radiology (anterior collateral ligament on the test!) before heading over to the exam room. it was awesome that chris, julia and ryan bought us muffins and hot chocolate and coffee for the test. thanks guys! with my blueberry muffin and coffee in hand, i sat next to jon and in front of marianne. i looked down and realized that my ankle was bleeding due to the newness of my sneakers. i was then told about moleskin bandages. i'll have to look into that.

i took the anatomy, biochemistry, immunology, and physiology tests thinking they were pretty fair but still guessing at a few. i loved seeing the question about the posterior tibial artery because david and i had taken off our shoes and socks to find it the other night. haha or the one about the function of the popliteus muscle (it laterally rotates your knee to unlock it) when quynh, dan and i talked about it in class. or dr. j. lyons telling us to remember the cutaneous innervation of the deep fibular artery (between the big and second toes) and having it show up on the test. or dr. swenson's table conference question about anastamosis on the test (it wasn't the obturator artery!). studying in groups is definitely more awesome than flying solo (i miss our biochem study sessions, savita!). then i went to the student lounge to give mariam her finals present where i got to hang out with yike and mike while waiting for our friends to finish their tests. the ski video (with its awesome soundtrack, haha including the emo song, jess) we watched was so artfully done, kinda inspires me to go skiing if i can manage to stay standing. jocelyn and i then walked lou's for menaka's birthday brunch! i was still full from my muffin so i nibbled at jocelyn's potatoes, brooke's eggs and katia's frappe as they offered... i need to learn about resistance. i went to the gym and worked out for today and my missed day from wednesday. i walked home and cleaned my bathroom.

i always appreciate it when people put the seat down.

then i watched grey's anatomy and 30 rock after unsuccessfully attempting to nap. now i'm off to molly's! mmm, the bread there is bomb. can't wait until tomorrow when amit and i drive back to nyc to hang out with emily, rachel, kathryn! and then spending time with jess, nikhil doing whatever before wednesday lunch with meera, anjali and emily!! immediately after, i'll be going home. HOME. i'm so excited.

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