Monday, November 15, 2010

"Jenny wiped her scalpel on the movie seat, returned it to her purse, and covered the blade with the thermometer cap."

-The World According to Garp, John Irving

Biochem donneeeee around 10 am. I had a bagel with cream cheese, supplied by the department. I also snacked on an apple and banana throughout the test. I went to the anatomy lab before going to the HAE office take practice quizzes for CTO and HAE. Then I went to the CTO lab with Menaka and looked at slides. There are so many... After eating my heart's content in chocolate and looking at slides, I went home to have some macaroni and cheese with tuna and spinach. SO GOOD. I had so much food today... I am so excited to finally go for a run tomorrow for the first time in a long long time.

Round 2: cto/histology... 8 am.
"Then she went to the lobby, where keen wailings could be heard and the manager was calling through the lobby doors over the dark audience, 'Is there a doctor here? Please! Is someone a doctor?'"

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