Saturday, November 13, 2010

"The soldier screamed."

-The World According to Garp, John Irving

-"You're going to pass. You have so little fun, that I'm not even worried. If you were having fun, I would be like, 'dude, you should study.'"

The perks of living with non-medical school students. They keep my feet firmly planted on the ground. Today, my cousin Tony is getting married. The sun is shining. There are abundant opportunities to seize the day! However, I am not witnessing holy matrimony or catching some rays or seizing any opportunities. I am sitting in my house, studying epigenetics and histology and dabbling in some anatomy. I don't know who Randy Travis is, but I am glad he drinks cold beer. AND PHYSIOLOGY? I think I have forgotten what that is.. but because it is on Friday, I haven't even begun to look at it. One day at a time...

Ah, Robert is one of my favorites, too. He always helps me study muscle charts for anatomy and makes kickass food (with my vegetarianism in mind, too). He's just genuinely a good person. This morning, he was worried about my bloody phlegm and offered to drive me somewhere if I needed to see a doctor. Then, he invited me to go to Molly's with him and his dept tonight. When I was debating whether or not I should leave Friday night vs. Saturday, he said that I should stay an extra night so we roomies could all hang out. The roommate situation is awesome, indeed.

Haha, Ryan G. makes medical school so much better:
"On his feet and falling back, he swiped at Jenny's head with his uncut arm, boxing her ear so sharply that her head sang. She pawed at him with the scalpel, removing a piece of his upper lip the approximate shape and thinness of a thumbnail. ('I was not trying to slash his throat,' she told the police, later. 'I was trying to cut his nose off, but I missed.')"

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