Friday, October 8, 2010

"Mrs. Fields gave her daughter a hot-water bottle, or so she said--and so Jenny assumed; she never opened the packages."

-The World According to Garp, John Irving
Today, I skipped class to study. I ate breakfast and took my time. I may not have done much, but I feel like it was time better spent than sitting in class. CTO review was helpful and HAE with Dr. Fabricant was fun. I liked drawing the heart on the board. I was really nervous - I started to shake. It's so embarrassing, but hopefully it was not too noticeable. Then I went to the gym and then to the HAE review hosted by the second years. Super helpful, I feel ok about what I know - there is still a lot to go over, but at least I don't feel too behind. There is still time. I had a beer with Wesley and Robert before they went to a concert with Sergey. Sipping on mint green tea now, I wonder how long I am going to last with my life like this...

I kind of like the pain though.

Sometimes I wonder about the concept of intention. Wanting to be there for someone is a nice thought, but actually being there for someone is a whole other story. It means a lot more.
Her mother would say, "Dear, do you still have that hot-water bottle I gave you?" And Jenny would think a minute, believing she had left it on the train or thrown it away, and she'd say, "I may have lost it, Mother, but I'm sure I don't need another one."

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